The Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington metro area exported $23.5 billion in 2019, less than exports from Boston-Cambridge-Newton in 2019, according to the International Trade Administration.
In transitioning into his new position as the President and Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Damon Hewitt L’00 fondly described his role as being “a leader of leaders,” referring to the organization’s staff and partners who work to further the Lawyers’ Committee’s mission of advancing civil rights and racial justice in America.
As students and their families examine the true value of a college education, Newsweek has recently ranked the top colleges and universities with the best return on investment. USciences was ranked number one in Pennsylvania for value.
This 3-hour interactive workshop is designed to create dialogue around gender and sexuality inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community. Additionally, this session will discuss key terms, history, intersectionality, and systems that marginalize these identities.
With rising inflation in recent months, stock market investors have been using long-held street wisdom to find hedges, or protection, in commodities, REITs or real estate investment trusts, as well as stocks and equity mutual funds.
This past year, our incredible faculty and staff developed innovative strategies to power us through COVID-19 challenges, keep our students engaged and healthy, and support meaningful lessons about injustice, advocacy, and community.