
Philly Leader

Monday, March 10, 2025

Wolf commits to raising minimum wage to $15, 'creating family-sustaining jobs'

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Gov. Tom Wolf | Facebook

Gov. Tom Wolf | Facebook

Gov. Tom Wolf recently fulfilled his commitment to raising the minimum wage in the commonwealth to $15 per hour.

“I am committed to supporting workers, creating family-sustaining jobs and ensuring that, in Pennsylvania, hard work is rewarded fairly,” Wolf said in a January release from his office announcing his plans. “In 2018, I made a promise to our state workers, to ensure that they are fairly compensated for their service to our commonwealth."

Studies have shown that when the minimum wage goes up, workers keep their jobs. An increase to $15 would directly benefit nearly 1.5 million workers or 25% of Pennsylvania's workers, the release stated.

Initial plans were to increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2024. That was modified, however. The first step occurs July 1, when $12 will be the baseline pay. The minimum will increase 50 cents per hour in yearly intervals until it reaches $15.

“We need prosperity, not poverty,” State Rep. Darisha Parker said in a video posted on her Twitter account. “There's no reason for anyone to not be making $15 per hour. Every single working person deserves to make a living wage. When people make money, they spend money. The economy does better, tax revenues grow.”

Overall, 30 states have a higher minimum wage than Pennsylvania, according to the release.

“Increases in the minimum wage raise employee morale, productivity and work quality while lowering turnover and training costs,” Wolf said. “Accelerating the increase to $15 will better align worker salaries with the current cost of living while providing even greater cost and efficiency savings for state government.”