Chestnut Hill College
Recent News About Chestnut Hill College
Men's Basketball Game vs. Dominican University of NY on January 14, 2023
Men's Basketball Game vs. Dominican University of NY on January 14, 2023.
Women's Basketball Game vs. Dominican University on January 14, 2023
Women's Basketball Game vs. Dominican University on January 14, 2023.
For many new students, it can be daunting to attend college, move into dorm rooms, and balance life and school on their own terms.
For many new students, it can be daunting to attend college, move into dorm rooms, and balance life and school on their own terms.
First Year Real-College Experience Summer Transition Program on July 9
First Year Real-College Experience Summer Transition Program on July 9
Griffin Transition Day on July 9
Griffin Transition Day on July 9
Chestnut Hill Brewing Company Creates Vale Pale Ale Beer for Reunion Weekend
Cans of Vale Pale Ale, a very special beer brewed in honor of Sister Carol and in celebration of the impact she has made over her 30-year tenure as CHC President.
Slush Puppies on May 11
Slush Puppies on May 11
The Grackle Launch Party on May 11
The Grackle Launch Party on May 11
Wellness Initiative - "Changing the Health of Americans: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Behavior Change"
Wellness Initiative - "Changing the Health of Americans: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Behavior Change"
Wellness Wednesday: Yoga With Sophie!
Wellness Wednesday: Yoga With Sophie!
Drop-In Mindfulness with Kimberly on April 13
Drop-In Mindfulness with Kimberly on April 13
For Joan Burger King '67 and Four of Her Closest Relatives, Chestnut Hill College is a True 'Family Affair'
When Joan Burger arrived at Chestnut Hill College for her freshman year in 1963, she had no way of knowing that she was starting a scholar-athlete family dynasty.
For Joan Burger King '67 and Four of Her Closest Relatives, Chestnut Hill College is a True 'Family Affair'
Joan Burger King (Class of 1967) went on to become the proud wife, sister and mother of four other family members who all graduated from and/or worked for the College, even further connecting their lives. Those included her sister, Judy (Class of 1975); Joan’s husband, Joseph, now deceased, who attended CHC on the GI Bill (Class of 1979); plus two of Joan and Joseph’s five children, Jodie King Smith (Class of 1994, M.S. in 2001) and Julie King Gorniak (Class of 1999).
Resilience Serves as Theme as Agape Latte Returns to Chestnut Hill College
The harsh reality of life is that sometimes, things won’t go the way we plan, but when that happens, we have to keep going, and “when a door closes on you - just breathe.”
Softball vs. Bowie State (Double Header) on March 13
Softball vs. Bowie State (Double Header) on March 13
Men's Lacrosse vs. St. Michael's College on March 12
Men's Lacrosse vs. St. Michael's College on March 12
Drop-In Mindfulness with Kimberly on March 2
Drop-In Mindfulness with Kimberly on March 2
Student Leader Information Sessions on February 25
Student Leader Information Sessions on February 25
AADP Virtual Information Session for Business Majors on February 24
AADP Virtual Information Session for Business Majors on February 24
Coffee in Campus Ministry on February 7
Coffee in Campus Ministry on February 7.