
Philly Leader

Monday, March 10, 2025

22nd Annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Lecture on September 22, 2022

22nd Annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Lecture

Thursday, September 22, 2022, 5 – 8pm

22nd Annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Lecture

Blood Flow Restriction Training for Individuals with Neurological Diagnoses"

Blood flow restriction (BFR) applied during low intensity exercise produces hypertrophy and strength gains equivalent to traditional training. Previous research has shown the positive effects of BFR on younger and older adults. However, the effectiveness of BFR on subjects with neurological issues has just begun. For this in-person seminar, researchers working in this area will present their ongoing research investigations and recent publications.

Earn 2.5 CEUs (PA, DE, NJ) and honor the memory of Professor Leahy.

Featured Panelists:

Evan T. Cohen, PT, MA, PhD, NCS

--Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at Arcadia University

John Petrizzo, PT, DPT, SSC

--Associate Professor in the School of Health Sciences at Adelphi University

Justin Jiunta, P.T., DPT, OCS

--Market Manager for NovaCare Rehabilitation

Greg Thielman, PT, MSPT, ATC, EdD

--Professor of Physical Therapy and Neuroscience at Saint Joseph’s University

--Director of the Patricia Leahy Movement Science lab at University City campus

The Patricia Leahy Scholarship Fund was established by PT Professor Patti Leahy to assist PT students with costs incurred during clinical education experiences in neurologic settings. All proceeds to benefit the Patricia Leahy Scholarship Fund.

Contact Name: Dr. Greg Thielman

Target Audience: Adult Learner Students, All Students, Alumni, Employee, Faculty, Graduate Students

Contact Email: gthielman@sju.edu

Event Formats: On-Campus

Affiliate School: School of Health Professions (SHP)

Campus Location: University City Campus

Buildings: McNeil Science and Technology Center (McNeil STC)

Type of Event: Academic, Lecture, Panel Discussion, Presentation, Research, Seminar

Area Filter: Alumni

Room/Location: 137

Registration Link: securelb.imodules.com…

See Who's Attending: stjoseph.imodules.com…

Location Address: Saint Joseph’s University, University City Campus

McNeil Science and Technology Center, Room 145

43rd St. at Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, PA

Original source can be found here.