
Philly Leader

Monday, March 10, 2025

OPINION: Three reasons for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Re-Elect President Trump


With only two weeks until election day, here are three reasons that the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania should re-elect President Donald Trump and repudiate the Biden agenda.

Biden’s Dangerous Immigration Policies Make Our Neighborhoods Less Safe 

Philadelphia is arguably the nation’s most egregious example of a failed sanctuary city. Dangerous illegal criminals have been given free rein to terrorize the streets without consequence. They are even celebrated by its radical liberal mayor, Jim Kenney, who shamelessly filmed a video of him dancing in his office after a court upheld Philadelphia’s sanctuary city status in June 2018. 

A tragic example of Philadelphia not cooperating with federal immigration officials occurred in July of 2016 – a Honduran national by the name of Ramon Aguirre-Ochoa was arrested by Philadelphia Police for raping a child after previously being in Philadelphia law enforcement custody. In 2009, Aguirre-Ochoa was deported from the United States, but found a way to reenter the United States illegally and ultimately raped the young child after he was released by Philadelphia officials who refused to cooperate with federal immigration officials seeking to take custody of Aguirre-Ochoa. 

Joe Biden, controlled by the radical left, supports sanctuary cities that protect these heinous individuals from being deported. This weakness on crime should disqualify Joe Biden from ever being the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. To that end, if Joe Biden were to be elected president he would grant 11 million illegal immigrants citizenship and place a 100-day moratorium on deportations once taking office.

Biden is anti-Energy and conflicted on fracking? 

The preponderance of evidence and public statements from Joe Biden point to an all-out assault on the US energy industry and particularly on fracking. But, during Biden’s last trip to Pennsylvania, he contradicted his own earlier statements to claim that he is not actually for serious restrictions on fracking. It is time for Biden to be crystal clear with the people of Pennsylvania, where fracking comprises a crucial economic pillar for so many citizens, especially in places like Washington, Bradford, and Westmoreland counties. 

In February of this year, Biden pledged to “phase out” fracking. Similarly, in a Democratic primary debate last year, Biden agreed that there would be “no place” for fracking in a Biden administration. He also awkwardly asked a supporter to “look into my eyes” and said “I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuels."

Biden’s record reflects many more similar threats against energy broadly -- and fracking specifically. The receipts of Joe Biden’s taped statements reveal a decidedly anti-energy career politician, one who threatens a key pillar of Pennsylvania’s prosperity, as well as jeopardize our nation’s national security. So, can Joe Biden kindly settle this public argument with himself, and report back to us which side won? Is Biden anti-fracking, and siding with his radical leftist allies like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and his running mate Kamala Harris who said “there’s no question I am in favor of banning fracking”?  Or, does Biden dare to alienate his extremist supporters and actually support the energy industry of Pennsylvania? Time to come clean, Joe.  

Joe Biden would strip PA citizens of their gun rights

Pennsylvanians rightly revere the Bill of Rights as the home state to the Constitutional Convention. Pennsylvania citizens particularly exercise their fundamental, God-given right to bear arms. In fact, the Keystone State has the second most hunting licenses of any state in America, just behind Texas in total hunting licenses, even though Texas has more than twice as many people. 

Shockingly, Joe Biden has been consistent throughout the campaign in his intent to gut the Second Amendment. When CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Biden if he would come for the weapons of legal gun owners, his response was “Bingo, you’re right.” Biden has been clear that he will ban so-called “assault weapons” (a meaningless and redundant catchphrase), including the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America. In fact, he promised to make Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke the effective “gun czar” in a Biden administration. O’Rourke’s anti-gun stances place him at the far left of even the Democrat Party on the issue, as he openly threatens actual government confiscation of presently-legal firearms. Liberty-loving Pennsylvanians will not accept this anti-gun, anti-Bill of Rights agenda of Biden/Harris.    

– Steve Cortes is Senior Advisor for Strategy to the Trump Campaign.